How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

In Florida, how longs can eggs stay in the nest, before going bad? I know they should be harvested as soon as possible, but I work 24 hour shifts. I was wondering if they laid the day I left, and I came home to harvest them, would they be ok to eat. Also, if needed, I do not have a rooster, only 6 hens (2 Buffs, 2 RIR, and 2 Americanas)
Thanks in advance!
They will last for weeks. Mother nature is very good at keeping eggs from spoiling. Think about it, a hen lays about one egg each day and sometimes they will set on a clutch of a dozen or more. She will not start setting until she has laid the entire clutch, and it takes 21 days for them to hatch. Bad eggs will not hatch.
No, a rooster is not necessary for a hen to lay eggs; BUT, they will not hatch.
Yesterday we got 12 nice big ones from our 24 BSL's. They've just started laying in the past couple of weeks so not all of them are online yet, but hopefully soon. I've got people here at work hammering me for their eggs and I can't keep going in empty handed. You can't mess with the cubicle rats food supply, if you know what I mean...
today got 7/14, but just noticed that our polish hens are looking a little bit more ready for laying. we average from 5-9 everyday. i would be thrilled if they all would get with it, but my daughter is making a little pocket change every week so she's satisfied. we are also looking forward to the Spring when we can bring some new ladies into the family. my daughter is so excited about letting some of her eggs hatch. we are lovin our chickies!!!!!!!!!!!
Only 4. One better than yesterday but 7 in 2 days isn't the dozen every 2 days they were doing just a few days ago. I even gave them oatmeal with BOSS and beef fat this morning. The ingratitude!

I got 6/18 - I still have 8 birds who have never laid yet as they were just born in May but we are getting there! The light with a timer in the coop has helped production tremendously!
12 out of 13 today, a step up from the 10 yesterday and 6 the day before (burned out bulb, chickens in large coop almost 24/7 during the winter).
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