How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

7 out of 7
They had URI and hers got so bad her whole side of the face swelled up and her eye was almost swollen shut. I seperated her to get meds in her quicker and her face looked much better, but her herself didn't really get better and we just found her dead :(.. Going to get my mom another barred rock... This is her

The new hen can't replace her, but my mom likes the Barred Plymouth Rock breed, so she can atleast have the breed back. This girl did not like to be touched, but was a sweety.. She layed a brown egg with dark brown freckles..
They had URI and hers got so bad her whole side of the face swelled up and her eye was almost swollen shut. I seperated her to get meds in her quicker and her face looked much better, but her herself didn't really get better and we just found her dead :(.. Going to get my mom another barred rock... This is her

The new hen can't replace her, but my mom likes the Barred Plymouth Rock breed, so she can atleast have the breed back. This girl did not like to be touched, but was a sweety.. She layed a brown egg with dark brown freckles..
thats what ours lay she is really pretty i am sad for you :( ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 of 3 so far, with Austra not having laid yet
Unless she laid in the past hour.
I am now collecting them as soon as I find them.
Not a bad day today, sunny and a bit cooler, as we had a tad of rain last night.

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