How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Started with 3-5 per day out of 8 chix (2 are geriatric but are the original starter flock so gotta keep them) but had to let go of 2 very vocal ladies. Down to 2-3/day. THEN the broodiness hit and down to 1-2. :rolleyes:

We have plenty of pullets coming up for the fall...can't wait!
0/4 Sunday
2/4 Monday - I found another cache of eggs in a spider-filled shed. x.x I had to pull things out and clear out the spiders before I could go in to get them, and then I just put them in their nesting boxes. My chickens are not convinced that nesting boxes are for laying eggs in.
3/4 today (at least so far) is currently 106 degrees with another 3 hours to go until we get to our highest temp. Thankfully we live in a desert area and only have 15% humidity today.
8 egg's and it was only 107 F degrees by 10:00 AM for this time of year it is cool
8 egg's and it was only 107 F degrees by 10:00 AM for this time of year it is cool :clap
Gander, this is my first summer with chickens in the Central Valley. My 4 adult hens came from a home where their coop was air conditioned so they are having a really hard time with this heat. I know that you have posted tips for me in the past about heat, but how do your birds handle it out where you are? I know that they are able to handle cold MUCH better than heat, but we are going out every 15 minutes to turn the mister between the grow out pen for the 7 week olds (that are handling the heat much better than my ladies) and the run with the big girls. I have been adding ice water to a pan in both pens for the ladies to stand in and keeping cool water in their waterers. And of course they are in the shade. I also use frozen water and 2 liter soda bottles for them to stand on. Is this all overkill? Am I mothering them too much or being a responsible chicken owner? As of 3/15/14 the whole chicken thing is new to us.

Sounds like you have read some of my postings in the past and you are doing it correctly alright just this morning one of my boy's and I went to the thrift store to get a couple of blankets to toss on the ground to get wet and the chickens sit on it to keep cool and yes it is in the shade for them and for entertainment I found a bug light for $ 5. dollars, so I will be putting it out for them tonight and it will be zapping bugs for them and right now they are having fun with the fly's getting zapped by the bug zapper so I drought it will be unattended this evening .....

I just let some of the 4 week olds out ,,,,,, Okay they escaped when I opened the cage door to feed them and they are having the time of their lives running around in the sun and the adults are in the shade trying to stay cool .....

Perfect cooled water and shade Great but also try some Electrolyte in the drinking water as it works wonders ...

We had a new duckling hatch out in the incubator today if it survives I will be putting up new photos of it tomorrow ......


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