How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

only one today, but it's that big one on the left. the tiny one in the middle and the one at the bottom were yesterdays. I think I have 3 hens laying now? at least.
9 Chicken egg's today

Not bad as it was 114 F degrees by 9 AM ya it is starting to warm up here and them lady's were undeterred by the heat it seems
Wait, I'm really stupid! When I was doing the chicken count I was including the 3 roos. I'm so used to answering "22" when someone asks me how many chickens I have. <sigh> Even in perfect world a roo isn't going to lay. So I amend my previous counts to 1/19.

Oh, and today's count was *surprise, surprise* 1/19. I suspect, however, that I have an EE who is getting close.

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