How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I got 7 blue eggs for Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I only have 2 Ameraucana hens that r close to laying so I assume I got the eggs from them.

And I forgot to add that one of the seven eggs I got was extremely small...

Yeah, every time I buy chicks, I get a pair of EEs. And, each time, one lays blue/green, and the other lays brown or cream. Don't know how I manage to pick 'em like that.
right?! I had 2 easter eggers and they both laid brown eggs -.- I don't know if I should be buying more chicks or not lol
I got one so far but I think I might end up with one more by the end of the day.

One of my EE is the only one laying so far but she actually laid two days in a row which is the first time for her. They are still pullet eggs but glad to be getting them. I think my Australorp with either lay one today or tomorrow. She has been doing the egg song and hanging out in the coop and nesting boxes for most of the afternoon. Praying my other EE will lay soon, she has been squatting for weeks now.

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