How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

4/11 yesterday and 3/11 today.  How long should I expect this molt to last?

Takes a while for the old feathers to fall out and new ones to grow in, during which time they need protein for feathers, leaving none to spare for eggs. So, a couple of months isn't unusual.

However, the good news is that, when they start to lay again, their eggs will be bigger and, as the days lengthen in the spring, they'll be putting out eggs like gangbusters!

It's a bad news / good news kinda thing. But, the rest from laying is good for their little bodies.

Hope this helps. :caf
1 egg... three hens went broody and another is recovering from broodiness... I only have five hens.
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1 egg... three hens went broody and another is recovering from broodiness... I only have five hens. :barnie  
Best thing you can do to help break the broody mindset is keep collecting eggs and remove the girls from the box as often as you can. Fighting this myself with 3 hens , one mellow Blue Cochin and two feisty bantam EEs.
Best thing you can do to help break the broody mindset is keep collecting eggs and remove the girls from the box as often as you can. Fighting this myself with 3 hens , one mellow Blue Cochin and two feisty bantam EEs.

Oh I do. I also lock them out of the boxes most of the day. The reason they went broody is because I was away for 4 days, therefore they were locked in the run, got bored, and turned to broodiness to pass the time. Funny you say your culprits are bantam EEs. My broodies include a Silkie (saw that one coming) and two bantam EEs. Those darn EEs...
5 chicken egg's today

5 egg's from the control group

0 egg's from the free range chickens
I do believe the little dog running around outside my fully fenced in yard upset the lady's but smart thing did not even try to dig under the fence

Temp today 103 degrees with clear sky
this is the coolest summer I have seen in this area but then again I have only been here for 12 years ...

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