How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Our numbers are also waaaay down lately. Today we had 5 eggs from our 21 hens. It has been between 4 and 9 for the last couple of months. I suspect that 7 of the girls are just too old. We got them about a year ago from a local farm that was culling their flock in preparation for a total coop rebuild. My guess is that the flock was getting old and that influenced their decision to sell off the flock. I don't know this for sure and I'm certainly not accusing them of selling us old birds. The time we have had with them has been very valuable for us as we have been learning a lot about how to care for a flock and how to detect and treat for mites (we've had to treat them twice already and will be doing so again in the next week or so.) We have 15 chicks on order, which will be arriving in about a month and a half. At that point in time, we'll process the 7 hens we got from the local farm and we'll know whether or not they have stopped producing.
6 eggs today.
I think I am losing the fight against lice. It's been 4 weeks now and while I never seen any actual bugs they still have nits and new scabs. I'm going to have to order some new products off of Amazon because what I'm using ( Dog flea & tick shampoo followed by Frontline flea & tick treatment) isn't doing the trick. I've bathed them every 7 days and changed their litter. I'm going to go back to a PM to see the brand names someone suggested I use.

Wish me luck!!
6 eggs today.
I think I am losing the fight against lice.  It's been 4 weeks now and while I never seen any actual bugs they still have nits and new scabs.  I'm going to have to order some new products off of Amazon because what I'm using ( Dog flea & tick shampoo followed by Frontline flea & tick treatment) isn't doing the trick.  I've bathed them every 7 days and changed their litter.   I'm going to go back to a PM to see the brand names someone suggested I use.

Wish me luck!!

Have you tried DE (diatomacious earth)? It worked wonders for the mite infestation that we had and it's supposed to work just as well for lice. Make sure that you get "food grade" DE and that it is a pure white powder. We originally bought some supposed "food grade" DE from a local pet store. It was a light tan color and didn't do anything for the mites. Then I learned about the real deal from a post on this forum and it worked great. We even put a little in their feed and cleared up a worm problem that a few of our birds had. I would definitely give this a try before using shampoos and other treatments that have chemicals in them.

4 eggs today

2 eggs from the control group

2 eggs from the free range chickens
the crows were faster then I was for sure

Temp 57F degrees and very windy all day
6 eggs today.
I think I am losing the fight against lice. It's been 4 weeks now and while I never seen any actual bugs they still have nits and new scabs. I'm going to have to order some new products off of Amazon because what I'm using ( Dog flea & tick shampoo followed by Frontline flea & tick treatment) isn't doing the trick. I've bathed them every 7 days and changed their litter. I'm going to go back to a PM to see the brand names someone suggested I use.

Wish me luck!!

Our thoughts and prayers are with you this is something you want to stop and fast ...

Go to Emergencies Diseases injuries and cures just hit the Forum Nav: and go up two trends and ask there how to fix your problem and you will for sure get some help .

Good luck .
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Heat absolutely kills lice in human scalp/hair....blow dryer to 165 degree daily....sterilization of nits occurs, so they stop multiplying. Bleach bath for mites.
Haven't tried on chickens....bedding would need to be changed to course wood chips might be harboring bugs.
Might have to treat a.... cats, dogs, (mice or rodents , hahaha)carring bugs among chicks. I'd confine until source stopped.
Hope this helps.

I couldn't quote your post but i think you should use bug powders like those use for ants. I use tick-tack powder and it works. I just don't know if you can find it in the super markets but here in W/Africa you can get it in many shops. In case you couldn't get it, try any bug powder its safe for your chickens. Powders are better and safer.

To paraphrase Mr. Rudyard Kipling, "One can not have too many red wines, too many books, too many eggs, or too much ammunition."

Can I get an AMEN!!! You can always bless a friend, neighbor or friend with a fresh dozen eggs.... As for the books... My husband says I have WAY to many and ammo...
getting more every day.

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