How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

7/9. Sunny but cold . Keeping the light on until 8pm seems to be appreciated as well as those leftovers from garden vegetables. Trying to use the past summer frozen vegetables to clear the freezer in time for this year. So, extras going for treats to the hens. :)
Ah, yes! I remember collecting my first egg. You'd have thought it was Christmas. Congratulations and Happy Birthday!
I think most of us remember that first egg congratulations and Happy Birthday all in one could be your first
omelet from your girls.
Our girlies have slacked a bit
But we are going to try and leave a bunch in a nest to see if we can get a gal to go broody. Our EE aqua green layer gal helped us out end of last summer. By incubating a Clutch.
They've been spot on getting 12/15 known layer girls, 2 should be just at POL.
4/13, 1/2 tues 3/13, 1/2 wed. My son was occupied with gf getting treatment at Cleveland Clinic and they were let out very late Tuesday.Prayers needed, stage 4 Hodgkins
Feb 29 - 2 eggs (Coop reno)
March 1 - 4 eggs
March 2 - 2 eggs (Still modifying the coop)

On a happy note, I finally know how many 5 month old + pullets I have...26!!

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