How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Got good egg counts while I was gone. I think it was between 15 & 19 for each day ( Saturday & Sunday). Did lose a young roo, apparently something found a weak spot in the fences and got through. The whole in the fence was about the size of a large softball. I don't think they got locked up as early as I do & there were 4 juveniles that wouldn't go into the coop until I made them each night. The remaining 3 are now going in before I get out there every night. I guess all it took was seeing one of their buddies get eaten! I put the trail cam back outside & will check it tomorrow to see what it has captured on film during the last 2 nights & days.

16 eggs today ( I believe that was what I collected, it might have been 1 or 2 more)

Had a great time in Arkansa with my friend. We were in the Horseshoe bend area. Very pretty there!

11 eggs

4 eggs from the control group

6 eggs from the free range chickens

1 goose egg

Temp for today Hot ya 89F degrees with out any winds

Here they were April 1st

And today April 4th and I can hardly get them to stand still

I put 7 more eggs into the incubator

Enjoy your week ya all
Eggs count: 33/37 and 6/10
temp 34 degrees C.
The 5 days old 45 boys doing good, started jumping around.
Afraid my own constitution could not handle that

22 is a plenty for me but Hens.... :>)
I did pull all but 3 smallest pullets from the brooder pen (pool)
into the main coop yesterday
13/15 But one of these eggs came straight out of my leghorn, Betsy, hit the dirt yolk and white only not a single bit of shell. I have never had one lay a shelllless egg til today. And she just stood their looking at it and was very confused.

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