How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Sorry been awol again, crap raining weather, school holidays stuck inside (no money waiting for first pay!!) with a cranky 4 yo plus new job so been a bit crazy! Counts are down with 2 less hens and now Doris broody too and been a bit slack checking the secondary hatching spot so not really sure what I have tbh! Will hopefully get a bit more organised this week.

So little update I now have a broody hatch about to start! I managed to pop 5 of my murdered Araucana eggs (not sure what the dad will be though so hopefully some easter eggers although 25% chance it is the Araucana roo) and a few of the dead silkies into my neighbours incubator and now my other silkie has cleverly gone broody. I've just moved her into the broody coop and she has settled back onto some eggs in there. All being well I'll pop the eggs that are in the 'bator under her tomorrow evening. I actually can't remember when it all happened - gosh just looked and that was 10 days ago so we are half way though already, or less as they seem to only go about 19 days I find for those breeds! Poor Doris may get a shock that they arrive so early bless her!

They didn't all make it though. I dropped my egg basket :barnie
Oh no bummer! At least they are usable - I've only dropped eggs from my hands onto concrete - never a great combo!
Nice to have you back @PouleChick, we were wondering if the job kept you very busy.
Here, I got a new unexpected broody, a Blue Marans hoping she’ll be a good mom since today I’ve checked she got 9 eggs under her. I only gave her 6 Leghorn x Marans eggs Thursday and they multiplied, weird thing was I didn’t marked 2 of them, so now didn’t know which is ones are new and she made her own nest in the weirdest part of the feed storage.
44 Eggs Today and a beautiful lawn loaded with dandelions rainy days for 2 wks, I can’t do anything to prevent them. I tell you my neighbors will forced me out because of weeds not because of roosters crowing as early as 5 am:confused:

10 today. I think Betty is giving consideration to being broody again. That would be the second time this year and the dang girl is only a year old. Makes her not the best for my needs since the last thing I need is a chicken trying to hatch plastic eggs and pine shavings instead of laying eggs.

Maybe you can sell or trade her to someone in your area that would love to have a hen that goes broody often. :idunno

44 Eggs Today and a beautiful lawn loaded with dandelions rainy days for 2 wks, I can’t do anything to prevent them. I tell you my neighbors will forced me out because of weeds not because of roosters crowing as early as 5 am:confused:

I won't spray my dandelions either, but this year I have been digging up as many as I can from the upper yard ( and feeding them to the chickens and turkeys). The lower yard, down by the road and mailbox I am just ignoring the dandelions there (even though I know they can blow up hill through the woods and reseed the upper yard). I don't want to deny the bees all of their food sources..

I was able to pick up 13 eggs today. I am still leaving the broody hen alone. It was a kind of chilly day here, but NO RAIN!! So I got all the yard cut (it took an hour just to pick up all the limbs and branches!). I moved 6 of the 8 meat chicks to a different brooder because they were stepping on the EHAL chicks and not noticing that chicks couldn't move because they were standing on their foot or leg. :smack Plus I felt like the EHAL chicks weren't getting enough opportunity at the food. So now there are 2 meat chicks, 4 marans, 1 light brama, 1 turkey poult, and 3 EHAL chicks in the one brooder. The six other meat chicks got moved to a different brooder in a different coop. 2 of them escaped the coop during the move. :he I was able to catch one of them but the other ran under the coop. :barnie I was hoping to be able to grab it this evening, but it is way up under there where it is too narrow for me to fit. There was also an older hen under there too. I am wondering if she is egg bound or something. She looks ruffled up and they all usually go in the coop at night with no problem. Hopefully they both make it through the night without becoming chicken dinner or chicken nugget.
If I can't catch them in the morning when I let the rest of the chickens out, I will have to crawl under the coop with a long stick when I get home from work tomorrow ( while it is still daylight!).
OH, my eggs are being mailed tomorrow!!!

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