How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

EggsDaysAvg Egg per Day

EggsDaysAvg Egg per Day

For those interested, here's my records for my two Buff Orphington's to last month. I got them in late August pretty much at point of lay, so I pretty curious to see their egg performance first hand for the first time. It's about 90% accurate, sometimes I forget to record a day or two here.

There's a graph attached for any further interested of the individual performance. Looking forward to getting a whole year's worth of data!


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I got 15 eggs today but when I went out to lock up and collect eggs I found my turkey hen dead outside the coop. :hit:barnieShe was going on 2 years old and I never got an egg from her. I think she hid them very well last summer. She did have eggs inside her. 😟
I'm not sure what got her but I am thinking it was a hawk or other bird of prey.
I've started getting calls for eggs from people I haven't heard from in years! Apparently, eggs are hard to come by in the stores in our area. I'm glad to help out as much as I can.
I also checked with our local farm store that I like to shop at. I called to see if they have any Cornish x chicks. (Since I won't be getting any from school this year) they came back on the line and said they don't have ANY chicks at the moment!! I may try to order some from Cackle Hatchery. They are in the same state as me ( I think).

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