How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

In spite of my screw up yesterday, the seven girls gave me 7 eggs today. I let them run out of water yesterday, possibly for several hours. :(

Today I'm going to rig up a 5 gallon water bucket to replace their 2 gallon waterer. And I'm going to check the grocery store for more of their thrown-away produce. Hope I find some so the girls will forgive me. LOL

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When my flock gets to scratching they fill up the cups of my 5 gallon waterer. I have waterer nipples on hand, planning on making a second waterer.
When my flock gets to scratching they fill up the cups of my 5 gallon waterer. I have waterer nipples on hand, planning on making a second waterer.
I don't like seeing my chickens stuggle to get a good drink of water from the nipples, and it seems that more than half the water goes onto the ground instead of into the chickens.

I like the auto filling cups. I have the waterer set on a couple blocks so the cups are about neck-height to the chickens, and no stuff from the run floor ever gets in them. They do get a little dirt that's washed from the beaks and faces, though, but not much.

They're no good in freezing weather, and that's when I'll use horizontal nipples on a heated bucket. Plus I fill bowls with warm water first thing in the morning.
I think I made it up to my girls for letting them go thirsty yesterday. I found two boxes of tossed out produce at the store, sorted through it all and provided an all-you-can-eat buffet to my chickens.

Heads of iceberg lettuce, radishes with tops, celery hearts with leaves, mung bean sprouts, tomatoes, apples, grapes, a couple bags of salad mix, broccoli, bok choi, cucumbers, zucchini squash, blueberries, strawberries, red raspberries... I think that's everything I tossed into the run.

It'll probably take them a few days to eat it all, and they'll get a good internal cleanse to boot. Some, if not all of them get a little bit of the squirts when they eat like this, and I think that's a good thing. Helps flush out things that shouldn't be inside them. At least, that's my theory.

And I set up another waterer for them, a 5 gallon bucket with 2 watering cups installed on it.
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8 today. The ladies were crazy this evening!
Full moon on the way 😊

Horses and chooks are full of beans today.

I lost count of the eggs, but I got 3 silkie eggs so that made me happy. We will set a dozen silkie eggs on the 10th. Hope my borrowed Roo is doing the job right. Keep those eggs coming girls!
Full moon on the way 😊

Horses and chooks are full of beans today.

I lost count of the eggs, but I got 3 silkie eggs so that made me happy. We will set a dozen silkie eggs on the 10th. Hope my borrowed Roo is doing the job right. Keep those eggs coming girls!
You borrowed a rooster? Are you wanting to get some fertile eggs for brooding or to incubate?
10 intact and there was egg shells and goo, so technically 11.
Our tomatoes and peppers have been hardening off quite nicely and I'm looking forward to planting them tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be nice. :D
3 again today!

My husband is shepherding the girls around the yard while I plant tomatoes :)

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