How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

3 today!

Août and Juillet both laid eggs overnight from the roost bar. Août’s was rather small and speckled, Juillet’s was the normal size but was half white from a heavy dose of bloom. Juin laid her normal egg at the normal time in the normal nest box. We’re going to make fried rice for dinner :)
5 so far today, but one was broken in the nest, probably because of this giant egg dropping on top of it. :eek:

I think I'll start removing eggs early and often, even if it means searching underneath the hens to get them. That might help prevent broken eggs in the nest.

Normal egg for comparison...

ETA: Yeah, it was a double yolker. LOL

ETA2: When I went out for my walk I found another egg in the box, so 6-1(broken)=5 good eggs today.

January 1 through April 30, my seven hens have given me an average of 5.702479338842975 eggs per day.

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