How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Today’s update. I do not know anything about ducks except they poop a lot and make big messes . I came home a little early from work to work on the limbs damaged by the storm the other day. Went to the shed to get some more bar oil and glanced over at the duck pen. 3 ducks and a drake wanting out to eat grass and chase bugs. Missing a Rouen ? Walked over to the pen, looked in the coop, and saw En just laying there, head down facing away from the tail. I was instantly worried because she usually sleeps during the day with her head tucked on a wing next to the fence. I went inside the pen, looked in the coop and called her name. She got up and made a loud quack, much to my relief . She was on the nest from this mornings eggs and they were all warm. She was not part of yesterday’s cover/uncover the nest battle. I let the ducks out after finishing my sawing for the day. She chased bugs and hung with the Flock until it was time to be put up. I suppose tomorrow my other Rouen will pretend to be broody, or, maybe my Pekin. 3 eggs btw.
I'm so glad that there weren't 26 eggs today!!!! I just gave away 9 dozen combined today to my DM & my DFIL. I'm so glad others are helping me, I know I should really just downsize but I can't ever choose who to part with...
Today’s update. I do not know anything about ducks except they poop a lot and make big messes . I came home a little early from work to work on the limbs damaged by the storm the other day. Went to the shed to get some more bar oil and glanced over at the duck pen. 3 ducks and a drake wanting out to eat grass and chase bugs. Missing a Rouen ? Walked over to the pen, looked in the coop, and saw En just laying there, head down facing away from the tail. I was instantly worried because she usually sleeps during the day with her head tucked on a wing next to the fence. I went inside the pen, looked in the coop and called her name. She got up and made a loud quack, much to my relief . She was on the nest from this mornings eggs and they were all warm. She was not part of yesterday’s cover/uncover the nest battle. I let the ducks out after finishing my sawing for the day. She chased bugs and hung with the Flock until it was time to be put up. I suppose tomorrow my other Rouen will pretend to be broody, or, maybe my Pekin. 3 eggs btw.
They do poop a lot...
We are going to trade some duck eggs for chicken eggs tomorrow with the neighbor. I found that if you scramble half of each you get the better flavor of the duck eggs without it being overwhelming. Will two or more hens take turns being broody or are they just messing with my head?

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