How many feather legged breeds are there?

If I am not mistaken this is the approved SOP for Marans. So, (if correct) to be SOP quality they will have feathered legs.

Sussex shouldn't have feathered legs. I believe the OP has a hatchery Brahma or Brahma cross. There are many feathered leg breeds, some have already been listed, but I can't think of any more at this moment...
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French black coper marans should always have feathered feet.

but the more comon colored marans will not have feathered feet..

I have French Black coppers, but I also have French BBS and French Golden Cuckoo. All of which have feathered legs. While not as common they are out there and I love them.
The Black Copper Marans has been approved by the APA, the Wheaten variety is coming up for approval in October. ALL varieties of Marans should have feathered shanks and outside toes. A bird that does not have the feathered shanks/toes is a DQ. In England, they prefer the clean leg. Many of the hatcheries that started out with the Cuckoo variety had clean shanks/toes, so it was passed on down the line.

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