How many here are actual backyarders vs. Farmers?

Hum, don't really know what to consider myself...
Maybe a backyard farmer

We have chickens, ducks, horses, and a large garden that we can from and give extra to friends.
They aren't in my backyard (okay... the chickens and the horses aren't in my backyard).

Maybe I am a farmer wannabe
We live on about 130 acres of farm in rural Eastern KY, and wouldn't have it any other way
We have a horse, but our farm is mostly occupied by about 25 head of cattle, 70 acres of hay (give or take), and of course CHICKENS
Backyarder and maybe legal. 1/3 acre lot in dense urban area. 4 hens, playhouse converted into a coop. Cooperative neighbors who love chickens and are looking forward to fresh eggs.
In my mind when I have hay loaded in my jeep and am cleaning out my coops...I am a true farmer...but in reality I am a backyarder! Grew up as a total farmer so I am no where near being a farmer...just like to dream that I am!
I'm a backyarder with a 1/4 acre of total chicken land, and then i have my garden which is MINE.. and a veg patch totally closed off from the chooks. We have a chicken barn for our guys and barn for my guy
he likes to play with wood. I'd love a farm, 1/4 of an acre is not a lot but it does the job for my 30 plus chickens and umpteen chicks plus my wood crazy hubby
I'm not sure - to be a farm don't you need to make a profit from it? Well we rent out the pasture and I do make a profit on that.
Chicken-wise we only have 14 chickens. I sell eggs ($3/doz) and do well in the summer, but don't make enough to cover the chicken expenses all year around. So the pasture rent subsidizes the chickens. We have 2 1/2 acres & a garden. We live outside city limits, but within the urban growth boundary (go figure) but zoned low density housing and we border undeveloped land.
I'm not sure what we are. {shrug}

I'm interested to know if anyone can make a profit on chickens . . . and if so, how do you do it? I wouldn't mind making money if I know how too.

I just read EtienneSA17 before posting and now I'm more confused than ever . . . ha ha ha . . . but I think you're right!

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