How many laying hens to supply a family??


9 Years
Apr 25, 2010
I thought I was doing good with 4 laying GLW pullets. I get about 2 eggs per day, which seems to be standard for that breed. For some reason it just isn't enough. I don't know if it's the novelty of having home raised eggs that makes us eat more or what. I do try to stockpile to give to my 2 sons, but it's like I never have enough to go round. Please don't tell me I need more chickens. I planned and built for 4.
How old are your GLWs? It may be that they're old and pass their prime laying. If they are young (less than 18 months), then you really only have four options...

1) Trade your four GLWs for a higher egg production breed such as Rhode Island Red.
2) Expand or build more housing and get more chickens.
3) Buy eggs from a good source once in a while.
4) Eat fewer eggs, LOL.
I agree with Cowgirl. My leghorn and EE are laying daily but my Polish I don't expect to. Most breeds don't lay daily. Sorry .. if u just love these chickens, u'll just have to buy some eggs.

Sorry, I think we all started out planning and building for fewer than we eventually end up with. I "planned and built" for 12, well, okay, we built for a lot more. But I did not intend to have 26 chickens (now down to 21). Are you sure you don't want to just add on the current coop and get the number of chickens you need to enjoy all the eggs you can eat?
Your hens are laying fine, with 4, you should get 2 to 3 eggs per day. The rule of thumb is that they lay every 25 hours, and they skip a day here or there.

How many are in your family. How many eggs a day would you like to have. For just me and my hubby, I would probably have 5 hens. I would expect 2 to 4 eggs a day, which we eat most orf the time, but not every day, so that would give us a little build up for the days we don't eat any.
This time of year, 100 hens wouldn't be enough to support my family :p We quite simply use too many eggs (something like 20 dozen between Thanksgiving and Christmas; right in the worst time of the year for home-raised eggs)

But in the heavy laying season, 6 did us just fine (there are 5 of us). With 8 I'm hoping to have enough extra to freeze for next winter.

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