How many of you are experiencing a drop in egg production?

What age do they molt? I'm just trying to figure out if it's just the season or if something else is going on. They're acting normal and eating great, but way less egg laying.
Im here.
One hen whose broodiness I broke 2 weeks ago isnt laying
And her sis, who just started squatting should be laying

I had a pullet lay her first egg over a week ago and nothing since. What is with that? Is this common? Is it an indication that she will not be a consistant layer? Or is that she is still young? She is a Red Leghorn.

We are down to under 12 hours of daylight now. I hope that doesn't discourage my girls. The youngest in my big layer coop are 17 weeks. The oldest are 23 weeks. I have 6 layers if you count the Red Leghorn. I get 4 or 5 eggs a day.
Started nearly a month ago here. I'm now down to 1 to 2 eggs a day if I'm lucky when I was getting a dozen. Waiting for the grass to be mowed for the last time this year and then I'm running my extension cords from the garage to the coop so I can run a light. Plus start heating the water bucket since we are getting some nights below freezing.
{knock wood}
So far no slowdown here.
5 pullets = 5 eggs/day

Like Akane, I am waiting for that last mow to run a cord from garage to coop & set up a heated waterer.

I'll miss the nice Fall weather - we got shortchanged here
Ours JUST started laying. First it was one, then two, three etc and just two days ago we got 4. Which means only one girl has'nt started,,,,,,,,,,,,then YESTERDAY, we only got one. They flew the coop litterally early yesterday, as the day before in the afternoon to graze the front yard. They MAY have dropped 'em in the high grass out front. We were letting them out daily to do so, now they started doing it when they want. SO,,,,,,,,this morning I went in and clipped the wings on our most flighty escape artists. The two buffs, and the cross. The other two are too big to get up, and the roo,,,,,,forget it. at least now we'll know whos laying what again, and if we truly are dropping in production. Frustrating.
I've got 14 laying hens, this is their second winter. They laid like mad all last winter, but they were young. I understand what's going on, but averaging 3 eggs a day from 14
They are in full, hard molt, feathers all over the coop, and feather shafts all over them! The EEs haven't laid for over three weeks. Every once in awhile I get 6 eggs. This too will pass.

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