How many parrots do you have?

I LOVE ECLECTUS! They're so beautiful! I love how the males are green and the girlies are red :) That shirt is just too cute! LOL

Oh my Congo Grey is just the WORST when it comes to the keyboard. I actually gave her her own ex-keyboard to pop all the keys out of. She finished that one and moved back to the one I was using. She also dismantled a laptop as a baby. LOL. Oh well.

I love the last photo! Looks like computer repair has gone to the birds! Wouldn't that be great to have a knowledgeable computer tech to fly up to the door, peck politely, then get to work? You can pay him/her in peanuts!
I went to an exotic bird show today and saw a real live BLACK PALM COCKATOO!!!!! Has anyone ever seen one up close and personal? They are magnificent birds and this one was being offered for sale for $13,000. OMG, that's more than a small car!
I have one Congo African Grey. His name is Scooter and he's a pistol! He thinks he's a dog or human though depending on the day and what's going on. He's obnoxious and LOVES to argue with me. He's a perpetual adolescent! He's on the back lanai now because if it's 50 or higher, he throws a fit if he's not outside. He also will repeat the most inappropriate things at the absolute WORST times. We used to have him outside our bedroom door, during my courtship with DH, we invited his parents over for a first meet & greet dinner........In the middle of dessert Scooter began a <ahem> Sex noise tirade that sounded exactly like the night before. And yes, it was pretty unmistakable as to what it was. I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me. I wanted to just DIE. He's such a brat.
Hahahaha...they're as bad as little kids who repeat or blurt out the MOST embarrassing/inappropriate things the WORSE possible times of course.
well right now i have 3,
my sever macaw jack jack
and 2 linneolated parakeets, cricket and lokie

in my future plans im hopign for:
either a hahns macaw, blue crown conure, or a maxi pionus
a pair of parrotlets
and a male canary
I have three great babies!!!

Marco my Blue Front Amazon. Someone gave him to me because they were scared of him. He does growl a lot but he really is a mush-pot. I think he only growls to keep up with his tough man persona!
He has NEVER even tried to bite anyone in the four years that I have had him. No mood swings either!


This is Mischa. She is my little snuggle bunnie. I can absolutely do anything to this bird and she doesn't even bat an eye. If my husband walks by the cage she lunges for him and will try to take his finger off. We have been working on this for over a year and we are getting better about that.


This is my Calypso. Absolutely nothing wrong with this little girl. She is the most level headed and sweetest bird I have ever had.


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