How many roos?

So, 2 female Barred Rocks, 2 female Wyandottes, 2 female Dominiques is what I have now. I'm going to raise 2 female Rhode Island Reds and 1 male Barred Rock together, and when they are all about the same size I will start the "merging protocols".

Is that a bad plan? Should I grow them up the big chickens, instead of brooder, then separate coop, then merging? And by the time the seconds part of the flock is big enough to come in with the existing flock, could the hens be damaged by the male do to too little hens?

PS: I just tried a mealworm for myself, no wonder chickens like it, it's very "nutty".
I'd start off easy like, with your 6 hens and just add a rooster. I think that is the best plan for now. As you get more experienced and learn what works then you can consider expanding your flock. No need to add the 2 RIR hens...just keep it simple with adding a roo and see how it goes. You have plenty of time to challenge yourself and make it complicated! lol. When and if you add more chickens at a later time, I would suggest adding more than just two. But start simple. You deserve to enjoy it. :)
I have 2 standard size roosters, puffy and Wendell. Also I have two bantams, prince and Rhody, and they all get along. I would say its just the way you treat them and their personality. In your situation, I would get two roosters at the same time and they should cope with one another. Hope this helps some :)

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