How mean can they get?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 6, 2010
South Texas
Hens that get broody...when you try to collect their eggs.. We are raising our first hens. 6 BR's (well 1 may actually be a black sex link instead of a BR)
i have one BO now that i have to use i stick to move her off the nest box so i can collect eggs every day. then she yells at me
I get the occasional broody that will make me put on a leather glove to get the eggs from under her. The Kinder Major flat-out refuses to try!

But most will only growl or peck lightly.

I've got a turkey hen at the moment that has a bite like a Vise Grip...

Most of mine will growl and lightly peck. The more experienced girls have learned I'm not going to stop checking and really don't mind much. But I have one girl who draws blood with every peck and often holds on. If I take her off the nest she attacks. I'd rather have a rooster going after me. She is that bad. I am usually able to break her - I would hate to see how nasty she would be with chicks to protect.

Oddly enough, she is half silkie (looks silkie, but with regular feathers). The other half was my mean mixed roo. She is the only hen from him that acts this way.
Every hen and situation is different. My Silkie only growled at me and fluffed up the first time she went broody. By the 3rd time being broody, she actually pecked and was meaner...never actually drew blood, though. My Buff Orp puffs up like a Turkey and growls and chatters, but hasn't pecked me yet.

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