How much do you charge a dozen?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 17, 2010
Well unbelievably I'm starting to have a few dozen more than I need. I've been approached by friends to sell them but so far I just give the extras away. They're brown and green eggs (Wyandottes,RIR and 1 EE) and they make such a fuss when they lay it seems kind of cold blooded to sell their prizes - how do I put a price on them? What is a fair price?
However much people will pay!
It all comes down to supply and demand. We've had people almost force us to take $5.00 / dz. just because they love that our chickens get a lot of free space and they love the pics of the hens. We also live in an area where there is more demand than supply. I think we could easily get $3 - $4 a dz, but we prefer to just give them to family, friends, neighbors when we have extra.

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