how much do you charge for your eggs?

I'm just starting; sold 7 dozen during this past week for $3/dozen. DH checked at the grocery store in the city where he works (40 miles from our small town); he found that they were selling for $3.99/dozen.

So far no one has complained about the price. All but one of my customers were people who saw my ad on Craigs List. One woman wanted 4 dozen but only had 3 that day so I'm hoping she wants more!

I found an ad in a local Ag paper where someone was selling eggs in our small town. DH called to see how much they were...$1/dozen...knew I could not compete with that price.
Boo-Boo's Mama :

I'm just starting; sold 7 dozen during this past week for $3/dozen. DH checked at the grocery store in the city where he works (40 miles from our small town); he found that they were selling for $3.99/dozen.

So far no one has complained about the price. All but one of my customers were people who saw my ad on Craigs List. One woman wanted 4 dozen but only had 3 that day so I'm hoping she wants more!

I found an ad in a local Ag paper where someone was selling eggs in our small town. DH called to see how much they were...$1/dozen...knew I could not compete with that price.

Sheesh a $1/doz would put everyone out of business, LOL! Getting anywhere from $3-$5 a dozen in my opinion is fair. A lot of care, time, and feed has gone into producing those eggs and you can't get any better than FRESH FARM EGGS! Believe me, the people who are buying from local chicken farmers like yourself know they are getting a better egg than store bought, so I am sure they wouldn't bawk at the price. Don't lower yourself to compete with the other person, you've got good eggs and should be proud to offer them to the community for $3/doz.
I've been getting $4/doz. A local couple who sell at the Saturday Sidewalk Market charge $5 and sell out each week.
In Louisiana, farm fresh eggs are like "bottled water". You can get them anywhere. There are a lot of people who have backyard chickens. And the prices in the store don't help either. You can get eggs on sale for about $0.75 a dozen. Non-farm people don't understand that grocery store eggs are YUCKY. They are only looking at the price. There are several people within a 60 mile radius of me that sell their eggs for $1.00 a dozen but I refuse to go that low. I sell mine for $1.50 and that is already too low. But what do you do.........Have 50 dozen eggs in your fridge or sell for $1.50?

I'm happy for those of you that can sell your eggs for $3.00 and $4.00. I wish i could. Keep up the good work.
She is absolutely correct! I live in a rural subdivision of only 3 streets and there are 4 of us with chickens and one asking me how to get started,..

We try do do as organic a feeding program as one can with free range hens so I can get $2.00/dz for them but that's all and only a few smart eaters buy them,.. we eat a LOT of omlets and give some to family. I figure some money is better than no money!
I am lucky to get $1.00 a doz. around here. I have bantams so my eggs are considered medium, but folks around here just don't understand what fresh eggs are all about. I really don't think people understand how much effort goes into making a great tasting egg with a beautiful orange yolk.
We currently are selling our eggs for 2.00 a dozen. On our street there are several with chickens and I have seen signs for 1.50. The 2.00 barely covers our feed but better than none. I don't sell from the house I have a small store in a local market and I sell them to other vendors. I may raise the price soon because the feed keeps gong up. Luckily I have more people wanting them than I have eggs to sell.
Currently I have a waiting list and a hard time keeping some in the house.
I refuse to lower my price to compete with the other person in our small town. I read a post here on BYC...they more or less said to select the price you want and to reach out to those who would be willing to pay that price. I decided to give Craig's List a try and it worked.

At this time I'm looking at what I can do to keep my eggs going this Winter so I don't lose these customers. One woman bought 3 dozen last week (wanted 4 but I didn't have that many at that time); we checked with her and she wants 3 dozen delivered Monday. DH took 4 dozen with him when he left town this afternoon to return to work...the other dozen goes to a person who has bought one dozen the previous two weeks so I'm hoping I have a 'repeat' customer with her and the other wanting 3 dozen said they loved my eggs...that they were so good and very pretty...
Sorry...could not help myself.
Boo-Boo's Mama :

I refuse to lower my price to compete with the other person in our small town. I read a post here on BYC...they more or less said to select the price you want and to reach out to those who would be willing to pay that price. I decided to give Craig's List a try and it worked.

At this time I'm looking at what I can do to keep my eggs going this Winter so I don't lose these customers. One woman bought 3 dozen last week (wanted 4 but I didn't have that many at that time); we checked with her and she wants 3 dozen delivered Monday. DH took 4 dozen with him when he left town this afternoon to return to work...the other dozen goes to a person who has bought one dozen the previous two weeks so I'm hoping I have a 'repeat' customer with her and the other wanting 3 dozen said they loved my eggs...that they were so good and very pretty...
Sorry...could not help myself.

That's great! When I was selling mine, I couldn't produce enough to keep my customers. They wanted 2-3 doz each and I had three regular customers, so I had problems filling their orders. I put an ad up CL and had lots of attention. The last price I had them up at was $4/doz, supply and demand, what can I say. I had no problems getting it.​

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