How much of the day do they spend in the coop?

Mine will spend more time in the coop when it's really cold, I notice them on the roosts soaking up the sun, or on the areas where the sun is shining...
Mine stay in the coop for much of the day when it's 115 outside.

Well they're no dummies - air conditioning in the coop and all.
115 outside, I'm for air conditioning too.
Mine don't hang out in the coop either....they run 15 feet to the right, and hang out underneath the 51 Chevy for most of the day
Im okay with that...the amount of hawks this year has been rediculous!

I think there's a clue here as to why chickens would prefer to remain in the coop as opposed to being outdoors. It's the COVER. Even when we aren't aware of danger gliding around up above, they are. That Kari's chickens prefer the cover of her '51 Chevy may indicated they aren't comfortable out in the open.

There are so many good reasons for a covered run. My chickens, even on days I open the pen so they can roam only last about an hour, then they're all back under the security of their covered run.

But some pointed out that Silkie behavior isn't typical of general chicken behavior for a lot of good reasons. Their feathers, for one thing, do not afford the same insulating properties of regular chicken feathers. They would be more prone to discomfort in temperature extremes since their feathers aren't regulating their body heat all that well.
Yes, I think you're right about the desire for cover. Mine are very happy to spend the entire day outdoors but they stay near cover. They're not stupid -- there are raptors about. The times we've had hawk attacks, it has happened with the chickens clinging to cover and the rooster all over it but the hawks were just too determined to let any of that dissuade them. Most of the time, I think it must work for them to run under a shrub and make themselves a more difficult target.
After speaking with the previous owner I've found out that he rarely let them out of the coop. So I think it's just something they aren't used to. Hopefully over time they will come out and enjoy the outdoors!

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