How much poo is too much poo?

You could try the neighbors, but I don't think I have ever seen chicken litter sold in any form at the garden centers. it is just to tricky for the average joe to get right.
I have a smaller, plastic barrel type compost thingy... it is full (I dont live on a farm or in the country but in the city with a backyard and small small strips I grow veggies in) ... I dug a deep hole and am layering my chicken droppings alternately with kitchen scrapps grass and leaves (I place a wooden cover over it so the chickens dont dig around in it) and at regular intervals sprinkle some of that compost starter on (this is for the shavings> they take forever to decompose without that stuff)... When I empty my compost barrel in the spring for the veggie patch then I will use the "contents" hole to layer with new kitchen scraps etc. in the compost barrel (so the contents of the hole will be ready for use the NEXT spring after the winter )... this is my system I have used for a few years now and it works for me!

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