How much property do you all have?

Since you live in Mighigan the " right to farm act" cant stop you from having chickens.

You will need to fence in your yard or your chickens will wander into your neighbors yard. It might be fine at first until they start digging and sratching in their flower beds and gardens. It will only be a matter of time before someone's dog come running through and takes our some or all of your flock.

oh yah... 2.5 acres but the chickens always want to go free range in at the nieghbors who have 2 dogs. they must have a death wish.
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I am happy to report that I now own five acres zoned for farming, including up to 100 chickens. It's been just under four weeks since we moved and are still settling in but the coop is done and the chicken yard is getting the finishing touches. I finished the coop before installing window coverings in the house! Priorities, you know!

Here's the coop:


Here's the property after the pond was made, the barn built and irrigation put in. It will be beautiful when we get it greened up.

People amaze me with all their complaining and whining. If my goose consistently poos on your porch or favorite glider, well, you have a legit issue. But really, a flock of 24 egg laying hens who have 1 or 2 roos to service them.....They just don't make that much noise and all those complainers are sure first in line foor all the eggs aren't they? And for the poor unlucky on whose turn it was to become Sunday dinner, they don't refuse to set at table, do they? I'd have to use the feet as garni for their plate..........LOL~
And sure enough they don't refuse that rib eye steak when it's Mr. Tbone's turn......

Chickens are the sweetest mellowest, least offensive bird there is, I think! I'd be the next door neighbour who was egging you on to get more chicke ns.....
We have a quarter acre in the city. We are at the end of a short dead-end street along the narrow end of a cemetery, and the ground slopes down to a canyon beyond that. We have close neighbors, but we are legal. I checked everything out with city hall and code enforcement before I ever got my first birds. Currently we have 17 birds, and my broody hen is sitting on her remaining two eggs---probable hatch date is the 26th, so, hopefully two babies bringing the count to 19. Gotta love that chicken math!
I also live on a small city lot, with four hens in a 5 X 10 dog run with the coop enclosed inside the run. You mentioned that your birds flew over the fence into another yard. Maybe you should try clipping their wings. It's easy to do from the instructions on this web site, only takes a few minutes per bird, and could save their lives by preventing close encounters with grumpy neighbors and dogs. Even if there are no laws against having hens in your hood, you want to keep your neighbors in a pleasant frame of mind where the chics are concerned. Keep the chics home where they are safe, and be sure to share those beautiful eggs when you can. Try to be a proactive embassador for good chicken ownership.
We live on 10 acres with only a couple of neighbors that we can see. It is very rural here. Mostly grape vineyards, almond orchards and corn fields. Not many people. No restrictions on how many or what kind of animals we can keep. Out on the back part of the property by the eucalyptus grove there used to be a big commercial chicken barn, only the concrete slab left now. There are horses, cows, goats and chickens across the street. Their chickens free range and get in everyone else's yards and dig up stuff and make messes. They are mangy looking chickens so I don't let them anywhere near my yard or my birds. I don't want mites or diseases brought over.
I think bio-security would be my biggest concern with chickens leaving their own property. My chickens are fenced in with chain link in a huge run.
You all are so lucky. My lot is 60x160 Rules here are that your coop has to be 75 feet from you neighbors house. which mine is we have no restrictions on amount just that the coop has to be clean free of offensive smells. We have our yard fenced off into 3 sections. First part from back door is for the dogs. They have a dog door that they come and go from. Middle is my garden and back section is for my chickens and ducks. All around it is 6 ft privacy fence. Most of my neighbors dont even know I have chickens and ducks. My neighbor has chickens and ducks too and a rooster that crows all the time. No complaints. I have a roo but he doesnt crow that much so no one really knows he is there. I think when he does crow they just think its the neighbors.
THE WARDEN: Nice pictures of a nice looking place!

We have 11 acres all wooded , except the half acre I cleared to put in coops and runs. We call the township I live in the "Wild West" as there is no zoning restrictions.
Absolutely! We have 20 acres. When we bought it, the tax appraiser had to come out and verify that there was actually a (20 year old) house on the property. The original owners forgot to mention that they'd built a house and never paid property taxes on it.

Aha yes--country living. Want a barn? Build it. Want to add on to your house? Go ahead. Permit? Zoning Laws? Code enforcement? Oh we have the laws but unless you are dumb enough to go and ask, no one knows about what you're doing until they reassess. At which point you say "Didn't I tell you?" 15 years ago I lost my garage as the result of snow pack so rebuilt it as a machine shed. Then built a garage in a different place--builder made me get a permit. When the assessor came out to check on the garage he gave me hell for building the machine shed. I just told him he didn't lower my assessment when the garage fell down so live with it. They still don't know about my chicken coop.

Yep we have 50 acres and Im 1700 feet off the road so I made it clear to the property assessor to not open my gate and do his assessing from the road with a set of binoclualrs OH and planted an orchard and pine trees infront to block his view GOD I LOVE COUNTRY LIFE!!!!

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