How much should I charge for eggs

It depends on what you have to loose. Selling eggs is risky business. If someone gets sick, or says they got sick, you could end up being sued.
This is what I've been worried about. In general, I'd like to sell produce and eggs. Even though it's more stress and complication to start with, I was thinking of having an LLC for just such a case. I'm lucky to live in a state that doesn't require licenses to sell produce or eggs, and incorporating is cheap, but man. It's really a shame you have to CYA.
Our hens started laying in early October. We have eleven girls, and even with the shorter days, we’re getting 6-8 eggs a day…more than we can eat. So, I built an egg shack a few weeks ago. Initially, we put a sign out for $4/doz. Anytime we put a dozen out, they disappear very quickly. Now, with the cost of eggs, I’m wondering if we should up the price. Obviously, we’re not trying to get rich, mainly pay for feed and supplies. If feed prices go up, we’ll definitely raise the price…just not sure I want to take advantage of what’s going on in the grocery stores. I would welcome any comments, feedback, etc.

How much is the going rate for egg slide stands near you? We have charged $4/dozen since last year…but decided to charge $5 for new customers from this point on (most of our customers are coworkers or neighbors, so it’s easy to distinguish who will be a future customer and who is just wanting our eggs noe because they are cheaper). Grocery stores are charging $5 or more for regular eggs now. Good luck!

When we first started, most of the ones I had seen were $3, but we put ours out at $4. Now I’m seeing some of the other ones at $4. We have a LOT of stands in our area. At this point I may wait until other sellers start raising theirs. Thanks for the input!

I am fine being the local trendsetter.I had to raise my prices lately. Not sure if i am the first or not. Cartons went from 49 cents to 71 cents locally so i raised my price from fifty cents to a dollar a dozen. I do not want your dirty egg cartons brought back. If they are too lazy to come get them, i charge two dollars.
This year i also will no longer be sharing my garden excess due to folk being too lazy to swing by and pick up a bag of vegetables.

I plan on selling mine for $4 and then if they bring the egg carton back, the next ones will be $3.

I like this idea. You could even do something like where you include a discount card that's valid for $1.00 off of eggs that is valid for 2 months or whatever you like, and let them know that will offset the price increase.
Did you get a license or anything? I want to start selling eggs but am afraid if I get into trouble for doing so. Can I just sell them at my house? With a sign?
Did you get a license or anything? I want to start selling eggs but am afraid if I get into trouble for doing so. Can I just sell them at my house? With a sign?
It depends on where you live. Each state and city have different laws/rules to follow.
In our state (Oklahoma) you can sell eggs from your home or farm without requiring permits or regulations. If you sell from anywhere else you have to go through all the rigmarole of government.
Did you get a license or anything? I want to start selling eggs but am afraid if I get into trouble for doing so. Can I just sell them at my house? With a sign?
Check with town/ state regulations. Where i am, you’re allowed to sell on property without anything but if you sell at a farmers market or off premises then yes you need one
I live in USA, AZ where do I check for such things? Like poultry or agricultural laws or regulations? I'm just new to this so I don't know where to start.
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