How much time do your chickens spend in the coop?


Automatic door for coop opens at sun-rise and closes at sun-set. Chickens are out in the yard all day.
I let my chicks out in the am and refill their food trough and water. I keep it closed, so the birds can't eat their food. I open the door only if all of them come running to me when I go outside at noon. They run in the coop to eat when I open the door. I let them out after they had their fill and lock them up around 4pm. When ever the big chickens peck them, I chase the big chicken away with a stick like a mother hen. The big chickens catch on after they get hit a few times.
Mine spend the most time in their coop from 9 pm until about 8 am. Then I’d say they all go in and out all day as needed. I have some coops with food and water, some with just food, and others with nothing. All water is in the run, but if I’m gone for an overnight trip and they stay all day cooped, I move the waters to the coops. I definitely see the coops being used heavily as a sanctuary from the older birds that are “meanies” and I see them sneaking food when hiding in the coop. 😁

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