How much time do your chickens spend in the coop?

I feel like mine are in the coop more often than I thought they would be. They go out in the morning when I open up the door into the run but often when I look out at them they are in the coop. I do keep the food and water in there so that may be why. I’d say it’s about 50/50 in the run vs in the coop at this point but they are still young (10 weeks)
Mine spend very little time in the coop in the day, mostly just inside to lay, though I do keep my dry feeder in there (plus grit and oyster shell) so they'll pop in to eat and then back out again.

That said, I've had to lock them in the coop before due to flooding, and if there's snow they don't want to come out at all. So during times like that, that's when having a decent sized coop pays off.
My chickens pile out of their coop first thing in the morning, then at 6 ish I take them wet mash, which they eat while I scoop the poo and do a 360 around the run to check things out. Then I open the other pop door and the human door, so they're sort of in and out all day. In the heat of the day, they take naps in the coop, and then come out again when the shade is over them again. :)

They're only two months old, so I don't know what they'll do later. :)
Your habits are almost exact to mine! About 6am we are all lined up at the human door ready to make our lap and check everything out. I too prepare a mash for them (actually served them fermented feed for the first time today). We free range for 2 hours in the AM, and 2 hours in the evening. Connecticut is hot right now so the girls all prefer to stay in run until the temp drops. Around 6pm, like clockwork they are all lined up at the human door ready to go out. Anytime during the hot day, i have to go in and do a wellness check because they lay in their run in front of the fan Alllll day and i gotta make sure everyone comes for a frozen blueberry or something. Its actually much cooler in run than outside the run. I love how they know their names and when i say them, they look at me with the tilted head and some chat a word or 2. Love chicken life. I think the evening free range is wonderful giving them the ability to get away from one another for a bit. As soon as they come out, they poop, eat some grass and all give a wonderful stretch of their wings as if to say, I'm free!!! When they head in to roost with free choice, there is less drama at roost time because some sneak in earlier than others. Rosie will always go first and get up there daring anyone to try and jump up! (Shes very insecure but thinks shes top bird). Shes very selective about who she'll share a dish with, eventually giving even her best friend a hard poke if they become too comfortable. Well i just carried on and on. My chickens Only go in hen house to sleep and lay. 🐓❤️
I have an open air coop/run. I keep food and water there at all times. They have plenty of area to dust bathe. The structure is covered, and there are pull down bamboo shades on the sides to block wind, blowing rain, or make more shade. They also have plenty of supervised free-range time on the lawn, garden, and in the perennial beds each day.
I feel like mine are in the coop more often than I thought they would be. They go out in the morning when I open up the door into the run but often when I look out at them they are in the coop. I do keep the food and water in there so that may be why. I’d say it’s about 50/50 in the run vs in the coop at this point but they are still young (10 weeks)
Mine do the same. They are around 14 weeks. They come out in the morning and play hard. Then in the heat of the day they go in or under the coop, sometimes they will sit in the shade. Then once the is mostly shaded around 1:30-2PM they come out and stay out until sundown.

I keep both food and water in the coop.
I’m wondering how much time your chickens spend in the coop during the day?
It was my understanding that coops are primarily for night/sleep, egg laying and bad weather/protection but I had someone tell me that they keep food and treats in the coop as well as the run as her chickens use both throughout the day. I’d love to know how often your chickens are in their coop and what you keep for them inside.
Mine only use it firing egg laying, sleepy time, and chick rearing (only for a short time though)

Automatic door for coop opens at sun-rise and closes at sun-set. Chickens are out in the yard all day.
I let my chicks out in the am and refill their food trough and water. I keep it closed, so the birds can't eat their food. I open the door only if all of them come running to me when I go outside at noon. They run in the coop to eat when I open the door. I let them out after they had their fill and lock them up around 4pm. When ever the big chickens peck them, I chase the big chicken away with a stick like a mother hen. The big chickens catch on after they get hit a few times.

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