how much to charge for eggs?

I charge $2.50 for a dozen of eggs. I have friends who save their egg cartons for me so I never have to worry about running out.
Totally depends on where you live. I charge $5.00 a dozen at work with a $0.50 discount if you bring me an empty carton to replace the one you take.
I have been getting $2/ dozen, and was mixing colors. But Now I have customers who just want green eggs, or just brown. I have a hard time selling white eggs if I don't sell mixed colored doz. There is a few people that advertise brown eggs for sale on the radio, for $2. I think that I am going to go up to $3 on brown and green eggs. I have so many orders that I can't keep up. 25 hens can only lay so much, and the weather isn't helping matters.
Good thread! I was wondering the same thing a couple days ago, but this is some info that may help (again, probably not relevant to all areas, but...):
Brown Eggs are typically sold at the store $3/doz
White Eggs are typically sold at the store $2/doz
Saver Shoppers go for the $1.50/doz sales

So, you can start low and raise your prices if you discover there's a good market. I'll probably start out selling $1/half-doz.
I get 5.00 for a dozen of mixed color hen eggs or 7.00 for 18 of the same mix. Brown, white, blue, olive, and light pink. What is funny is if any family comes over my youngest son still charges them for the eggs. In his defence he is autistic and he is the one that gathers all of the eggs and sorts the ones for hatching or selling. There is no negotiating with him it is cut and dry take it or leave it. It is amazing he can tell you what bird what egg came from. All of the money made from the egg and chick sales goes into the birds and is my three boys way of making if I could only make that at my real job.
I get 5.00 for a dozen of mixed color hen eggs or 7.00 for 18 of the same mix. Brown, white, blue, olive, and light pink. What is funny is if any family comes over my youngest son still charges them for the eggs. In his defence he is autistic and he is the one that gathers all of the eggs and sorts the ones for hatching or selling. There is no negotiating with him it is cut and dry take it or leave it. It is amazing he can tell you what bird what egg came from. All of the money made from the egg and chick sales goes into the birds and is my three boys way of making if I could only make that at my real job.

My youngest is on the spectrum as well, and the strict adherence to black and white rules is VERY familiar! We just got our chickens on Saturday (3 eight-week-old Barred Plymouth Rocks, and 2 ten-week-old EE/Ameraucanas). Last night he asked to help us put them up (they're still figuring out how to get into the coop) and I reluctantly agreed, but warned him about no quick movements or verbal outbursts.

Dummy me! Totally forgot they have chickens out at his high school. He goes in, scoops 'em up and dumps 'em on the roost...wham, bam, thank you ma'am! LOL I probably would have been chasing them half the evening!
Quote: This i have found totally untrue in my market. I advertised once in my company (about 6000 people, of which maybe only a tenth look at the ads regularly online) and could have sold 10 dozen a week easily I have only 14 hens and I want some for me and to give to friends, so I have had to say no to people. My eggs sell for $3, the farmers markets here have them for about $4. Mine are not technically organic, though, because I don't feed them organic feed, but everything else is organic.
I get $4/dz for my organic brown. They range in size, usually large, some light brown, some dark brown...
I sell mine for $4 a dozen, $2.50 for a half-dozen. I, too, only have a small flock. I could sell many more - but I only get about 5 or 6 extra dozen per week. I could charge more - but my prices are in line with what eggs sell for at our local farmers' market. We donate all the money we get from eggs to our granddaughter's childhood cancer research endowment at our local children's hospital. Every little bit counts.

Our eggs are varied both in color and size - and each carton contains different colors and different sizes. I use the clear plastic cartons so the pretty colors can be seen immediately. I don't want to get into separating the eggs by size or color.


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