How much will a 3 week old chick eat?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 20, 2014
I have 4 chicks that are 3 weeks old. I have one of those red plastic feeders that I would guess holds a quart of chick crumbles. these little pigs are eating the whole quart in about 6 hrs. They are not wasting it, as there is very little on the ground in the cage. Are they eating to much? should I just fill it and refill when its empty and just let them eat? Ive raised chicks before and they didnt eat this much. LOL
In our coop - if it's empty, I fill it up! They are still growing and need lots of sustenance. If you are very unsure, your feed bag should have a chart of how much to feed, you could measure it out and split it up throughout the day. We have 6 pullets that we have had for about 3 months and we have finished one small starter chick bag (about 5 lbs.) and are 3/4 way through their first full size bag of crumbles.

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