How old are these chicks?


12 Years
Apr 30, 2007
I bought these chicks at the feedstore on April 7, so I've had them for 4 weeks, but they seem to be a bit more feathered out than pictures I've seen of 4 week old chicks. There is the tiniest bit of fuzz on the ends of their feathers around the neck, fuzzy bum-bums but feathers everywhere else.

What do you think?


What temperature are you keeping them at?

I thought mine were feathering out pretty fast, but then I read that they feather faster in cooler weather. I've been keeping mine around 70* since I got them...
I'm in coastal NC and it's been Africa-hot down here. They were in the brooder at 90-ish for a few days but were staying away from the light so I raised it every couple of hours until they seemed comfortable in most of the brooder. The temp was around 80 when they finally seemed happy. So I kept it there for 2 and a half weeks until I moved them out on Sunday. It's been highs around 90 and lows around 70 since I booted 'em out but they have a heat lamp at night so their coop stays about 10 degrees warmer. So cool weather wouldn't be a factor for early feathering. I'm thinking they were already a bit older when I got them, maybe?
It is possible the feed store had them for a few days prior to your purchase. Add shipping time to that and there's a week for you. Did the chicks have any feathering when you bought them? If so, that info would help to age them.
Ummmm..... yeah!

They all had wing feathers... 3-4 rows of them if I recall correctly.
Then I would venture a guess at 2 weeks old when you purchased them. Roughly 6 weeks old looks about right for the photos you posted.

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