How old is too old to believe

Im 21 and still believe in santa to an extent.. I have a picture off of my grandparent's 2nd story roof of what looks like deer prints the whole way arcoss the roof.. I'll try to find the photo tomorrow if I can.
To this day, we use a single colored foil wrapping paper for one present for each kid, even though they are grown, and etch a large S into the top. Santa brought that one.

That's a wonderful tradition. I wish more people had holiday spirit like you

People just need to slow down and think about what is important. For children, the idea that some fat guy in a red suit magically appeared in their living room and left them something special? Those are memories than cannot be taken away.

Doing these small things taught the kids the magic of the holiday. Easter, however, is when we focused on the the reason why it exists in the first place.
On the other hand, I always felt that Christmas and the reason we celebrate it was special enough. The greatest gift given to the world? The child who would arise to be a sacrifice for the sins of the world and so that we could be saved from that sin and death? Let Heaven and Nature sing!

How in the world could a fat guy in a red suit top that for "special"?
smile.png kids were given gifts, which were placed around the Nativity to honor the occasion of the greatest gift ever given....and it was more than merely magical~it was reverently and soulfully performed by children who were told about the real reason for Christmas.
That's a wonderful tradition. I wish more people had holiday spirit like you

People just need to slow down and think about what is important. For children, the idea that some fat guy in a red suit magically appeared in their living room and left them something special? Those are memories than cannot be taken away.

Doing these small things taught the kids the magic of the holiday. Easter, however, is when we focused on the the reason why it exists in the first place.

I agree. I think it's cruel when people ruin Santa for younger kids. Even though the person obviously doesn't believe in Santa theres no reason to crush anothers hopes. Christmas brings happiness to so many children. Why would you have to ruin it with the "truth". Let the children have their innocence for as long as they can.
Thing with that is it has been said many many times He was not born in December, which is why I choose to stick with the magic of the season and focus on Easter. THAT was His true sacrifice right there.
People just need to slow down and think about what is important. For children, the idea that some fat guy in a red suit magically appeared in their living room and left them something special? Those are memories than cannot be taken away.

Doing these small things taught the kids the magic of the holiday. Easter, however, is when we focused on the the reason why it exists in the first place.

I agree. I think it's cruel when people ruin Santa for younger kids. Even though the person obviously doesn't believe in Santa theres no reason to crush anothers hopes. Christmas brings happiness to so many children. Why would you have to ruin it with the "truth". Let the children have their innocence for as long as they can.

Yeah and leave us adults alone that choose to be clueless. Hehehe
The longer you believe, the longer you delay getting socks for a Christmas present

That being said, we are Christians. We've never encouraged or discouraged a belief in a red suited guy coming with presents. From quite a young age they would ask me if Santa was real and I would tell them the historical basis for him. I never wanted to lie to them.

That's a personal choice for us to make. Our kids don't let on to others what they know. i don't feel as if our kids have suffered any for a lack of Santa. They know what Christmas is really about. We celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We spend the 4 weeks of Advent celebrating what his birth meant.

It doesn't matter what day he was actually born on. Just that he was. BTW, I have friends who have adopted daughters from China...
they don't have recorded, exact birthdates either... just approximates. We still party every year.
Ditto that! I never wanted to start my children's belief system out with a lie either, so dispensed with Santa, Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy. You wouldn't believe the abuse I've received over that decision all these long woman even shouted at me at the work place and stated I should have my kids taken away from me.

Didn't have Christmas trees either....what a horrible mom!
I agree. I think it's cruel when people ruin Santa for younger kids. Even though the person obviously doesn't believe in Santa theres no reason to crush anothers hopes. Christmas brings happiness to so many children. Why would you have to ruin it with the "truth". Let the children have their innocence for as long as they can.

Yeah and leave us adults alone that choose to be clueless. Hehehe

Finally someone who understands

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