How old is too old to believe

I love Christmas trees, too! We still go out and cut a real one. It's our little family tradition. Actually, hubby knows me so, he pulls the kids around in the sled until I've picked out my perfect tree for him to cut down. Yup, I'm a little crazy about the perfect Christmas tree.
I do love any beautiful tree -- real or artificial.
you are never too old to believe! i was never 'told' that santa didnt exist although i was told i was too old to sit on his lap! lol i will follow the same suit with my girls. christmas is our favorite time of the year, we love the lights and the family dinners. our girls have never had to go with out although some years we have had to get really creative.

and I am 49 ??????

I think it is up to them
many know the truth but still want to belive

Deb in NJ
I have a bottle tree.

It was almost full when I moved, and I discarded the bottles. The metal frame has been planted at my new place, awaiting the first empty bottle. Although I live in wine county, I'm still gonna fill it up with blue bottles in different shades. I love the way they look in the sunlight AND I drink two different brands of vodka: Blue Ice for special occasions and Skyy for regular tots o' vodka.

Yes, mine is actually referred to as The Vodka Tree.

Santa just might bring me a second tree for a different part of the yard, where I can watch it blossom with bottles from various local wineries.

But I'm also gonna put up a Christmas tree inside the house and also decorate one of the young cedars in the front yard with lights. Santa will be able to find MY house, all right!
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