How old is too old to eat?


Pine Hill Farm
11 Years
Apr 24, 2009
I have two 1.5 year old roos that are beating up my girls. We'd like to butcher them and eat them, but aren't sure they'd be worth eating at this age. They are free range chickens, if that helps any. Thanks!
chicken and dumplings, coq au vin, any number of Mexican dishes, just cook it long at a low temp using a moist (stew, crock pot, braise, etc...) technique.
Old birds make great chili, the stronger flavor comes through all the spices much better than a younger bird. Cook long and slow and then chop into pieces and add to your chili. Another favorite from my younger days was browning the meat and then add it to homemade pasta sauce. We would cook game this way for over two hours and the combination of spices, the acid from the tomatoes, and the game flavor was fantastic.
This link might help with the older roosters. Lots of information. No experience with homeraised ducks but I'd expect it to be similar. I braised the store bought duck for Christmas and it was great.

Cooking chickens thread

I make broth with the older ones, cooking long and slow and never above a slow simmer. Add whatever spices or veggies you want to flavor the broth. Then pick the meat off the bones and use for tacos, salads, pasta dishes, casseroles, whatever. It will taste different and have a different texture than the 8 week old chicken you buy at the grocery, but if it is cooked long and slow and kept moist while cooking, it will be tender.

Good luck!
Great info, thank you all so much
I like old chickens! Boil them with little flavoring, chop them up, and eat them with lime and salt. I eat them like a caveman or dog! Argh!!!

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