How old should my Peachicks be before moving from the brooder to the coop?


In the Brooder
Jun 28, 2023
Hiya guys! First time rasing peafowl and the 4 chick i hatched (i posted their hatch pics a lil while back) are doing amazing! Their wings are fully feathered now at 2 weeks and they are running around the brooder doing baby “displays” and chasing eachother to steal snacks. (My friends have dubbed them “mischief potatoes” given they’re about the size of a big russet potato)
My concern is they are getting pretty big, pretty quick and im worried they’re outgrowing the brooder. Already they’re squabbling getting under the heating plate. Im wondering if it would be better for them to move them to the coop so they don’t become cramped and stressed. It gets into the high 90’s during the day here and low 70’s at night, so im not sure if it would be safe for them at night. (Maybe just daytime field-trips out into the run?)
Please if you have raised peachicks before help me out? I don’t want these babies to be stressed

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