How old was your hen when she laid her 1st egg?

One of my brown leghorns has just started laying at 25 weeks. It seemed an age to wait for the first one. She was very clever and laid them in one of the the nesting boxes.

Just waiting now for the other one to start. I promised myself no new hens until I was starting to get some eggs from these ones.

I am looking at getting 2 welsummers in November. Then hopefully 2 Araucanas if I can find any available.
I got my first blue/green egg today!!
Flicka is a 19 1/2 wk old EE. Also got my first egg from the 2nd California White. Hildi is 22wks old. 3 total today.

The egg at the top is a store bought x-large or jumbo
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Breed of hen- Sumatra if the feather I found with it is hers (mixed flock)

Age in weeks when she laid- 19 weeks 3 days

If you have more than one of that breed, did they all start laying around the same time?-No others

Color of egg-light beige?

Size of egg- 1 1/2"
(measuring diameter both ways with a sewing measuring tape would be great, or putting it next to a ruler for length, but identify the method used, please!)

with store bought large

My buff Cochin just laid her first egg Saturday. She is 22 wks. She laid a second one today and I fed it to my husband. It was fertile which suprised me because that would make my roo older than originally suspected.
All lay between med. and extra large eggs (depending on where they are in their cycle).

This is a new one for me! I know I used to have cycles, but what does it mean with hens?​
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This is a great thread!

May I make a suggestion for keeping the master list up to date? Maybe those who have unlisted breeds or have a listed breed with a different min/max laying time could copy and paste the whole list and change the pertinent information!

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