How on earth do you sanitize a wooden coop?


12 Years
Jul 22, 2008
South Central MA
Unless you line the thing with vinyl siding (inside)--like I did--and line the floor with aluminum flashing--like I did--it does't seem that you can just attack a dirty wooden interior with a sopping sponge/mop/much less a pressure washer.

I guess a dry scrub, sweeping, and treatment with merely DAMP sponge/cloth would be the thing.

Just would be nice to hear what others do.

Nah, I would rather keep the interior clean enough on an ongoing basis that it never gets to the point of *needing* pressure-washing or hosing or anything like that

If you like to do that kind of thing, though, paint the inside of your coop (prime well first) so the water doesn't soak into the wood.

Actually if you ever have time 'between flocks' when the coop will be unoccupied for a few days or weeks depending on your humidity, you can get even an unpainted wooden coop as wet as you like, just let it dry out real well (fans etc) before you put bedding and stock back into it.

Have fun,

I should think that a decent scrubbing with a diluted bleach water would be fine for sanitizing - a couple glugs in a bucket of water, and let it dry. Am I wrong? That's what we use in the kitchen.
I have used the bleach/water solution, a very powerful garden hose with a nozzle, and a broom for "deckbrushing."

I just made sure to do it on a really hot day, early in the morning, and let it dry out before putting new bedding down and letting the fowls back in.
Those who have Oxine (chlorine dioxide) could also do a coop wash with the product diluted in water, much as you would bleach. Although the wood itself might not get stained/nasty, I have seen cases where someone got a case of lice/mites/etc. in a coop and have found occasion to scrub the whole thing down.

Uh, Chickenmonk, whatcha doing next weekend? How's about comin' over and lining my coop?
If I had it all to do over again, I would line mine in a similar fashion.

Jen in TN

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