How small is a bantam chick compared to a standard chick?


6 Years
Apr 14, 2013
Sorry, for some reason I cannot get pictures to upload to this site. I bought some new EE chicks a couple days ago. One of them is a little smaller than the others. I'd say maybe 25% smaller than the other chicks. They are the same age. The others look like regular EE chicks, with their big fluffy cheeks, but this little one doesn't have the cheeks an has a sleeker, thinner look. Could it possibly be a runt, or a bantam? It was too cute not to buy, and I'm curious about it. I've never had a bantam, so I'm not sure how much smaller they are. Can anybody help me out here? Any pictures showing the comparison between a normal chick and a bantam would be greatly appreciated.
It could be a bantam, but I'm guessing it's just a runt.

I got two newly hatched Splash Ameraucana girls that hatched just after New Years. One was large and regular sized, the other tiny and scrappy... BUT the little one didn't take crap from anyone... she was amazing. I just sold her to a friend and I'm almost wishing I kept her and sold the larger one! I'm imagining that the smaller one will end up being the better layer too!
Thank you for the reply. I've never seen a bantam egg in person, but I don't think this chick is small enough to have come out of one of their eggs. I'm thinking runt as well. But it's head is more narrow than the other EEs and it's not as fluffy. Is that just because it's a runt? As far as I can tell, it's colors look like an EE, just the shape and size aren't normal. It gets along just fine, and has no problems, so I'm not worried about it's health of safety.

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