How spoiled are your chickens...

Spoiled enough that when the kids ask if they can have a slice of watermelon, I say no it's for the chickens
They know if they come to the sliding glass door and knock that they will get a treat. They always know when dinner is too and patiently wait for any leftovers.
Spoiled enough that my top broodies each expect their own cage and will complain loudly if I allow another chook in there even when they're between broods. I've been sworn at by chooks for not bringing treats before. True story. :D
Well I would say not spoiled enough except for when....
they get their own baths for fun
come inside and get a massage in the sink when they were egg bound. (turns out she was faking it! Guess she just wanted a massage..)
they have their own call for treats, and they know it and come when called
they come peckin at my door when I'm gone too long!
I have a shopping list for them. :p
So spoiled that they have a special whistle to come to treats, yet get sulky if I don't have them. So spoiled that i am buying a popcorn maker so they can have more popcorn, so spoiled that I go to the shop and the first thing I look for is treats for them (last saturday I got 1 /12 kilos of grapes for 30p that did for a few days) so spoilt that they get breakfast before I do.
So spoiled that my alarm is set to wake me up minutes after sunrise, and I go right out to the coop to let them into their run and sprinkle their homemade snack mix.

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