How the heck are you supposed to wait....Day 23 AND WE HAVE A BABY!


The chicks are just WAITING for you to leave or stop checking on them for a while, and then they'll start pipping! Guaranteed!
Or so I've heard from more experienced hatchers.

Let us know when they come! Not that I need to tell you that or anything.
try peeping at them to encourage them to come out....seriously, ive been told that can help....but for the love of God dont let your boyfriend see you!
No only I would do that.

Cluckcluck, I feel for you. I know that I blind each chick in the egg with the number of times my flashlight hit it. They come out just to get away from the light!

If you go to sleep, when you wake up you will have pips, I just bet you! So as Kathy said...step away from the bator!
Start warming the brooder...make sure it's clean first...make sure you have a feeder and waterer ready. And chick starter too!

Start figuring out how you're going to clean out the incubator when they're done too.
Just as a watched pot will never boil, so will pestered and peeked upon chicks never pip!!
Go find something else to do dear. There will be plenty of opportunity to witness this miracle of hatching once the action really starts. Your constant staring at them and checking them isn't going to make them get here any sooner!

So, you cleaned the entire house, top to bottom? Good for you! Now, go clean out the fridge and make it all nice and sparkly. After you're done doing that, go organize your sock and undies drawer. After you've finished that, go into the bathroom and organize the medicine cabinet.

Take an aspirin or two while you're there. You're probably going to need it in your system soon anyhow. Might as well kill two birds with one stone while you're in the neighborhood!

After you've finished in the bathroom, go out to the pantry and organize all of your canned and dried goods. First into categories: Veggies, fruits, condiments, breakfast items, dinner ingredients, etc. Then organize each group alphabetically. When you have all of that list done, and ONLY then, may you come back and check on the eggs. Not before then!

If they still haven't pipped, step away from the bator and GO TO BED!!! After all of that extra work list I set you to, you should be good and exhausted anyhow. Sleep should come easily!

Good luck and let us know how they do. Don't forget pictures!! Must have pictures!!

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