How to be a good BYC citizen

Well if by remove you mean delete, then unfortunately us normal members can't do that. However, you can edit your post using the pencil button in the bottom left-hand corner, or use the report button (the one next to it) to bring over a moderator who can delete/move it for you.

Don't worry about newbie mistakes, everyone makes them at some stage or other :p

define "normal". :p :yiipchick

woah this post from February, I don't even remember making it... so sorry about the hugely late acknowledgement of reply. But anyway, 'normal' refers to members without platinum poultry membership. I wasn't making any statement about character; simply saying that most users who can only access the set of site functions available to a non-PPM member can't delete their own posts.

But normal in terms of character; I guess society states that normal is the set of traits possessed by the majority of people in it, many times traditionally. So I guess there is an actual definition of normal depending on where you go. But it's up to everyone whether they define normal as a good or bad thing, and make a choice (or be open about who they are if it's something that's not a choice ;)) about whether they want to fit into society's definition of normal or not. :p
First question: I accidentally shut my chickens (who are a year old) out of the coop for the day! ugh..... will they be ok we only found 1 egg outside so not sure if they all had one outside or if they held them, (do they even do that?) or what, I am hoping that there will be no ill effects! I live in vermont and it was warm today, they had access to food and water but I am a worry wart! Someone Help!
Woah. This thread has returned to life!!!!

Val, I may not be the poultry expert, but with one of my pullets being a bit of a Houdini (especially if I forget to latch the brooder oops...can't wait til we get the coop/run done!)...I'm sure they'll be fine. I assume you've already re opened the coop, have water etc avalible outside the it a fenced run or were they total free range? And they can be tricky at hiding their eggs...
Thank you for these lovely sensible and welcoming guidelines, I will do my best to spread the love here x
19) Post cute photos!

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