How to be a good BYC citizen

, sorry for your loss but also for the rooster as his partner's passed away and he's probably very sad and disappointed
Hi - This is my first post. I have 7 chickens that I raised from chicks- 1 Leghorn & one Golden comet - I got both as "day old" about 20 weeks ago. The GC started laying at about 16 weeks. She started with a tiny egg every other or ever 2 days. Now she lays daily but they look small yet to me. The leghorn hasn't even started. She is at least 20 weeks old. The other 5 are all Americaunas. I got them as "day old" chicks as well, about 14 weeks ago. One has started to lay but I can't say which one. The eggs are deep brown -almost purple.
dont know whats wrong with the leghorn. I also have a pair of Pekin ducks -also raised from " day old" ducklings. The female just started laying - 2 days ago I found a ripped up egg in the duck enclosure. It had a leathery shell. Today I found a perfect. albeit small,
egg in the duck house. My drake is an aggressive lad. He waddles after me & tried to pinch my feet & pant legs. And he was such a sweet little guy before the hormones took over and he got that curly drake feather! But I stand my ground and so far he backs down. This has been a pretty expensive venture. The initial lay out is alot of money - building or buying the hen house, fencing, TIME, feed. But I like my girls - and even that wacky drake, Bean (most of the time).
I'am new to BYC. I have 16 buff orpingtons their 3 weeks old.
They are soooooo cute
this is my first time having chickens
I think they will be worth all the time to take care of them.
Hi, I just read those 11 pages in the hope that it would tell me how good BYC members posted pictures. No luck.

I've noticed that lots of people post links to pictures in various galleries but don't display them in the post. Is that the preferred method? Is it not well regarded to use code to display?

Another question too about the very long threads. Some of the breeds that I'm interested in might have a thread about them that is hundreds of pages long. It seems overwhelming to go and read the whole thread. Do people just jump on the end and ask question that may have already been answered or discussed earlier, or is that bad form?


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