how to deal with a cracked egg for hatching


9 Years
Jan 10, 2011
i was gonna post this once they were closer to hatching but figured its better to know ahead of time. And yes i understand there is a good chance the chick will die before hatching.

I have a beltsville white turkey egg in the bator. hes on day 11 and growing well. there are some cracks in his shell and a bit of a divit where they all meet. i taped them prior to incubating. whats the best way to go about hatching him cause there are a fair amount of tape...
na, i used scotch tape. i figured i'd have to peel most of it off as there is probably half the shell covered, i'm surprise he grew actually. my only concern is the divit, there are multiple chunks of shell there that i dont know if they are connected to anything other then the tape :S
I know the hatcherys break the top of the egg and inject it with vaccine and they all hatch
i think i'd be less concerned if it was wax, but having used tape it wraps all round the side like a blanket. I'll just have to wait and see and peal i guess hehe
Hope for the best
Well Crackhead still lives, much to my surprize and is due to hatch thursday
Guess i'll go with the peeling method. Fingers crossed!

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