How to disinfect garage and yard after Coryza?


8 Years
Sep 17, 2011
Some where over the rainbow
Hi everyone,

Recently I have had 2 new birds come down with Coryza. Luckily they were still in quarantine in the garage (a 40+ day one I might add) So I don't think my main flock has it. This morning I found one of them (my baby) dead, the other one hasn't fallen quite as ill yet.

Here's the problem.... I would take the 2 of them out in our yard every day to get fresh air. Now our whole yard is probably infected, as well as the far side of our garage.

I am getting baby chicks in about 2 weeks! I had planned to keep them in the same spot in the garage and to take them out in the yard in nice weather.

So, how to I disinfect the garage and yard and make it safe for new babies??? The yard? Is this even possible? Please help me I am really stressing about this, any help is very appreciated. I have been planning and waiting for these babies for 7 months!

Thanks in advance,

I think you'll be good to go with the new chicks in 2 weeks. Sunlight in your yard should take care of any residual germs. If it makes you feel better, use a garden sprayer set on a very fine mist and spray your garage with a bleachwater solution. A fine mist wont mess anything up that's laying around in your garage. Here's a link for you regarding incubation times for Infectious Coryza. It states that the incubation time for coryza is hours to days.
Okie dokie,

I plan on removing all the pens, feeders, waterers, and all the stuff that was over in the section of the garage where they were... cleaning with soap and water, and disinfecting with clorox. Not to mantion the walls and floors also.

As far as the yard.... I will hope the sunlight takes care of most of it. I will probably disinfect where the babies outdoor pen will go with a bit of clorox+soapy water.

Sound good?


Dawg53 why did you give my a completely different answer on Coryza? In this post, you stated that premises should be vacant 30-60 days?!? And that Coryza requires rigorous clean up of everything. On my post, you said sunlight would take care of my infected yard, and that I could lightly mist my garage!

Here is what you said on the other post: "The area should be left vacant for 30-60 days, including the soil. I recommend spreading agricultural lime on the soil. Spraying bleachwater on soil is useless. Coryza will require rigorous cleaning on everything." Here's a link:


Dawg53 why did you give my a completely different answer on Coryza? In this post, you stated that premises should be vacant 30-60 days?!? And that Coryza requires rigorous clean up of everything. On my post, you said sunlight would take care of my infected yard, and that I could lightly mist my garage!

Here is what you said on the other post: "The area should be left vacant for 30-60 days, including the soil. I recommend spreading agricultural lime on the soil. Spraying bleachwater on soil is useless. Coryza will require rigorous cleaning on everything." Here's a link:


I agree with you. Conflicting info from both sites....
I'd go with the peafowl site. Sorry.

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