How to fence in areas off-limits to chickens in a way that looks nice?

Chickensaurus Rex

In the Brooder
Jun 1, 2023
The title is my question! My girls are BIG and started laying for the first time ever yesterday!! I'm so thrilled and proud of them. 😂It's almost September which means it's time to start a big garden conversion project. The basic gist is I have a 2000sqft fenced in side yard thanks to previous owners. I built my 180sqft predator-proof run inside this fenced zone. The girls are big enough now that I would like to let them out at certain times of the year to help mow down this yard as well as put raised beds "to bed" for the winter. Yes I know exactly what they will do to it I'm counting on it lol. I have a big border of ferns, violets, a few camellias, & a loropetalum that I want to protect from my girls.

Any suggestions or ideas for how to fence off this border from my girls in a way that looks kinda nice? I have 9 mostly Orpingtons with some Bramas. Style can be anything but rustic does look best out here amongst the woods. Any advice for how high the fence should be to keep my ladies out?
Hi! So I've always wanted to build something nice, but the price of the materials always has stopped me. However I've learned that you can get very cheap or even free wooden pallet boards and Pinterest has become my best friend in finding things to make with pallets. I think that you might love the nice, beautiful look of these cheap pallet fences. Here are some photos:
I've been looking into some garden fencing myself! Following. Love love love the pallet fence idea!
I also love the fact that you can put plant pots in the top and the chicken (usually) won't mess with them. Unless they like flying and then this doesn't work so well. However you can use fencing to make it a few feet taller so they will tlhave a very difficult time trying to escape.
Those pallet fences are genius!

I just wanted to add that with those heavy chicken breeds you won't need a high fence because they won't be able to get very high.

But also, chickens don't tend to bother medium or large shrubs, especially if they are woody ones. They prefer the shade they provide. Ferns are also unlikely to be tasty chicken treats.
Thank you for the idea and the picture!

I have noticed that the more wobbly the fence is, the more reluctant they are to fly over it. But then it falls down :hmm.
Yeah my Legbar Creams keep wanting to steal food from the rooster pens and obviously that dangerous for them as these roisters are 3 times her size so i have to make my fence wabbly but not to unstable.

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