How to find runaway ducks


Aug 19, 2020
Southeast Texas
We had something get into our pen a few days ago and of our six ducks two were dead, one was unharmed in the pen and the remaining three are nowhere to be found. We think that some of them may have gotten out (the hole in the pen was big enough that they could run out) and we’ve seen duck footprints/heard ducks but haven’t seen them. Any suggestions on how to find them if they’re out there?
One of mine accidentally flew too far the other day, I brought my other female out and had her quack which helped me find her.

I hope you can find them, and sorry for your loss.
You could try calling them with a duck call or duck call noises and shaking a bag of meal worms if you feed them that and they know the sound. I hope they come back, Duck mommy 2019 is great too!
shaking the mealworms is a great idea! this is actually one of the reasons i trained mine to come when they hear the bag, in case they are missing
also, can you bring the remaining duck indoors? i’m afraid that he will become depressed if he’s alone, since ducks are flock animals. ducks should always have another duck with them but in this case, humans will work until duck friends can be found.
also, can you bring the remaining duck indoors? i’m afraid that he will become depressed if he’s alone, since ducks are flock animals. ducks should always have another duck with them but in this case, humans will work until duck friends can be found.
Yes, we’ve been bringing him inside at night and then bringing him outside and sitting with him during the day.
Do you have a dog? I used my dog ounce to flush one of my ducks who when in to hiding to hatch ducklings at the edge of my property. I just walked him around the property and the woods until he flushed her. A dog will certainly be able to find them if not anything else!

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