How To Humanely Euthanize A Chicken..

Same thing as baking soda and peroxide but w/o wasting gas and FREEZING her is a terrible idea. I definatly would not like to be froze if I was a chicken! Its inhumane as leaving a dog outside in a snow storm!
Just listening to all of this, I dont think I could do any of these things !!!! My family keeps telling me to just let her go on her own, but i dont think she will. I think with my luck, she'll just continue to live her life unhappily.. I appreciate all of the helpful suggestions. Im thinking maybe what Emzyy suggested.. Not sure yet though..
Same thing as baking soda and peroxide but w/o wasting gas and FREEZING her is a terrible idea. I definatly would not like to be froze if I was a chicken! Its inhumane as leaving a dog outside in a snow storm!

I agree with that one. A vet told me one time to put my dying rat in a freezer & itll be quick. I dont agree at all.. it seems painful & very inhumane.
I agree 100% with this method it is instant no pain or fear for the chicken at all

The ether and sitting it by a tail pipe and the closed container it's going to struggle to get out before it takes affect.
I couldn't watch that or go off till it died those methods just give me chills
Including this one, IMO.

There's been a lot of similar discussions already on this board on this very topic. It's important to go into keeping chickens with this issue in mind. Along with all the joy of raising cute lil' fuzzy chicks and tending beautiful feathered adults is the responsibility for their care when they're sick or injured, and a plan for ending their suffering when necessary. Chickens are different from other livestock or pets in that it's not always feasible to obtain professional care for them, and you as their owner must learn to meet most, if not all, of their needs.

A wild bird who is sick or injured usually meets its end in an encounter with a predator. But it's not always quick, nor painless, nor without fear. We who keep chickens must sometimes make the decision to end their misery when they're beyond remedy.

And a humane euthanization means one that is the best from the animal's perspective -- NOT the most convenient or comfortable for the human!

I suggested walking away from the hen after you know for sure it is dead, but cannot bear to watch its last reflexive flaps. If I had a bird that was already comotose I might consider the baking soda/peroxide gas chamber. But excuse me, I think it's cruel to do that, or the car exaust method, to a bird still able to move & struggle to get away and you not have the decency to stay there until its end. Even worse to spend that time sipping coffee while the bird agonizes & you wait. I think it's inhumane that its last living moments are filled with fear & panic.

MrsLopez, this is your hen and you must ultimately make this difficult decision for her. I pray for wisdom for you to make the decision that gives you peace. There are times when an animal will "go on its own" and the decision is made for us. But sadly, there are times when its quality of life is so poor, it's slowly starving to death, or it's living with pain or panic, and we must extend the final kindness to this animal for whom we care about, and give it a humane, quick & effective end.
I agree with "On the Spot". Once I took a little guinea keet to the shelter up the road from me and they euthanized it for free. He hatched with his neck bent backwards over his back and couldn't straighten it. I sobbed, handed him over and left. I suggest that method if you can't deal with the others (some of which - I agree - are cruel).
My hen didn't struggle at all and didn't seem afraid at all, I think having your head popped off would be painful. Im sure if someone chopped your head off it would hurt I think if I was the chicken I'd rather just go to sleep. They have gas chambers at shelters and stuff too they don't chop a dog's head off. A chicken is like a dog and likewise I WOULD NOT chop a dog's head off. She already said she didn't want to chop the bird's head off.

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