How to introduce?


In the Brooder
Oct 4, 2020
I am sure there is a post somewhere about this but I couldn't find it.
I have 1 adult (1.5 yrs) hen and 2 5wk old chicks. While I am not new to chickens in general I am new to the ins and outs of young to adult introductions.

Question being, how and when do I put them together?

Right now the hen is in the coop and the chicks are in a xl dog crate all chickenized and such. On nice days I've been sitting the crate next to the coop so they can all see each other. I am pretty sure they're too young to actually put in with her, I'm afraid she'll kill them. Any advice or ideas are welcome. Thank you guys.🙃
You're on the right track!

When they're a bit older you can initiate the "See, but don't touch" method of moving the crate full time into the established hen's domain. Do this for at least a week. You can even sprinkle food alongside and inside the cage so they get used to eating together. There may be a few pecks through the cage but that's nature taking its course. After the week of being neighbors you can move onto supervised fieldtrips into the coop/run with the established hen. Make sure the babies still have access to their crate as well as places to hide. A few days later you can then extend the time out together and once things seem calm its time for their first sleepover! You may need to move the chicks into the coop with the hen at night i she doesn't guide them/they don't follow. After the first night you've probably achieved safe integration.

Note that sometimes it is faster or longer to do, and its always a good idea to have multiple feeders/waterers in case the established hen prevents them from eating/drinking with her.

Good luck!
I raised my chicks (8) this year in the coop from day one & left them loose with the hens (9) at 5 weeks. They are 6 1/2 weeks old now & have been running around the run with the chickens since day 2. No problems so far except they go back in their brooder at night & haven't stayed out & tried to roost with the hens yet. They come & go under the lifted brooder fence as they please.

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