How to keep roos in the suburbs


12 Years
Oct 5, 2007
How would you keep him slightly quite there would be no other roosters near by. he would be an Amerucana roo he would have 7 hens and 12 in the spring in a chicken tractor I have about an acre and a Half I was wondering if the crows would carry realy far.

Thanks Henry
A rooster supposedly can't crow without the headroom to straighten up. You can try putting him in a short box or cage at night when you absolutely need him to be quiet. It would be too cruel to keep him like that 24/7.
how often would a rooster crow if it has no other roosters any where nearby I have heard this decreases the crowing.

Not really. Mine crow whenever they feel like it, which is more or less all the time. They didn't figure it out for a few months, though. I think they crow slightly less if they don't hear anyone else doing it, but not never.

It's really loud. You could try insulating the walls of the chicken coop very thoroughly, maybe piling straw bales up the walls or something, to make it less noisy.
No he would be rare so I would keep him as a breeder or give him to my aunt to be a breeder for her flock.

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